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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 273-550

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Packing Odd Circuits

Michele Conforti and Bert Gerards

pp. 273-302

A Majorization Bound for the Eigenvalues of Some Graph Laplacians

Tamon Stephen

pp. 303-312

A New Approximation Algorithm for the Nonpreemptive Scheduling of Independent Jobs on Identical Parallel Processors

Giuseppe Paletta and Paolamaria Pietramala

pp. 313-328

Graph Powers, Delsarte, Hoffman, Ramsey, and Shannon

Noga Alon and Eyal Lubetzky

pp. 329-348

On Maximum Cost $K_{t,t}$-Free $t$-Matchings of Bipartite Graphs

Márton Makai

pp. 349-360

An Improved Approximation of the Achromatic Number on Bipartite Graphs

Guy Kortsarz and Sunil Shende

pp. 361-373

Small Diameters of Duals

Jaroslav Nešetřil and Ida Švejdarová

pp. 374-384

Forbidden k-Sets in the Plane

Micha A. Perles and Rom Pinchasi

pp. 385-395

The Mixing Set with Flows

Michele Conforti, Marco Di Summa, and Laurence A. Wolsey

pp. 396-407

RANDOM 2-SAT Does Not Depend on a Giant

David Kravitz

pp. 408-422

On the Metric Dimension of Cartesian Products of Graphs

José Cáceres, Carmen Hernando, Mercè Mora, Ignacio M. Pelayo, María L. Puertas, Carlos Seara, and David R. Wood

pp. 423-441

Ramsey Properties of Random k-Partite, k-Uniform Hypergraphs

Vojtěch Rödl, Andrzej Ruciński, and Mathias Schacht

pp. 442-460

Circular Coloring the Plane

Matt DeVos, Javad Ebrahimi, Mohammad Ghebleh, Luis Goddyn, Bojan Mohar, and Reza Naserasr

pp. 461-465

The Lempel–Ziv Complexity of Fixed Points of Morphisms

Sorin Constantinescu and Lucian Ilie

pp. 466-481

Virtual Private Network Design: A Proof of the Tree Routing Conjecture on Ring Networks

C. A. J. Hurkens, J. C. M. Keijsper, and L. Stougie

pp. 482-503

Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Linear and Convex Optimization on Jump Systems

Akiyoshi Shioura and Ken'ichiro Tanaka

pp. 504-522

Further Results on Bar k-Visibility Graphs

Stephen G. Hartke, Jennifer Vandenbussche, and Paul Wenger

pp. 523-531

Optimal Tree Structures for Group Key Management with Batch Updates

Ronald L. Graham, Minming Li, and Frances F. Yao.

pp. 532-547

Erratum: Enumerating Typical Circulant Covering Projections onto a Circulant Graph

Rongquan Feng, Jin Ho Kwak, and Young Soo Kwon

pp. 548-550